For people under 60 with good fitness
For people under 60 with good fitness
Stage 1
Standing Trunk Rotation
↻ 2-3 Sets
Stage 2
Lateral Chain Stretch Moving
↻ 1-2 Sets
Stage 3
three way hip stretch
(1 alternatives)
standing quad stretch
(2 alternatives)
↻ 2-3 Sets
Stage 4
Lunge - 3 way Multidirectional
(2 alternatives)
Push Up - Shoulder Tap
(2 alternatives)
↻ 2-3 Sets
Stage 5
Kickstand Squat NW
(2 alternatives)
plank leg march
(2 alternatives)
↻ 2-3 Sets
Stage 6
Glute bridge
(2 alternatives)
↻ 2-3 Sets